Monday 11 October 2010

Final Synopsis For My Film

My short film is a campaign for domestic violence. The short film will open with three dead bodies covered up. I am using three different couples to portray different types of domestic violence,in different types of relationships. I will be using a straight couple,a lesbian couple and a gay male couple. This will show that domestic abuse can happen in different types of relationships. I will show that domestic abuse can happen nomatter what your race,sexuality,age or background.I will be showing scenes of the couples in love and happy and showing the domestic violence as a gradual thing.( Does not just happen over night )
The three stories will progress by showing things such as name calling to fights. Eventually three people will end up dead. Two of the victims and one of the abusers. At the end of the short film the scene of the three dead bodies will come back up. Then all the actors will read the helpline numbers.

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